For decades Europe, the Anglosphere, and East Asia have been dealing with the crisis of low birthrates.
They’ve basically tried nearly everything possible to mitigate this ongoing social and economic crisis including offering large cash rewards, free healthcare, and generous tax benefits, all much to no avail. The developed world continued to offer money to entice young people to have babies and young people said, no thanks.
The response from neoliberals was, “we must increase immigration because they love having babies who will pay for the welfare state all of our parents enjoy.”
Baby Boomers were especially annoying about this, harping that millennials were too busy eating avocado toast to buy a home, have babies, and grow up. So to punish them, they invited millions of people from countries that only recently decided slavery wasn’t a good idea.
Post-COVID, changed everything because now the developing world is having basically the same amount or fewer children than the first world who’s long suffered from a demographic crisis.
Guess which country had a higher fertility rate (that measures the number of children born per woman) in 2024:
The United States or Mexico?
Answer: The United States (The USA had 1.6 to Mexico’s 1.45)
Italy or Puerto Rico?
Answer: Italy (Italy had 1.17 to Puerto Rico’s 0.88)
Colombia or Greece?
Answer: Greece (Greece had 1.25 to Colombia’s 1.23)
Japan or Chile?
Answer: Japan (Japan had 1.16 to Chile’s 0.88)
Guatemala or Israel?
Answer: Israel (Israel had 2.86 to Guatemala’s 1.84)
The Philippines or France?
Answer: France (France had 1.62 to The Philippines 1.55)